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This is the old "Welcome to WA VHF Group" page on

The Western Australian VHF Group was formed in 1955 with a core focus on very-high and ultra-high frequency radio communication such as: satellite, Earth-Moon-Earth and other applications of the frequencies above 30MHz. However, member interest extends from LW through EHF and the technology to utilise those frequencies.

Anyone with an interest in amateur communication is welcome at our activities and meetings.

We have regular meetings in the Operators Cottage at Wireless Hill in Ardross, just south of Perth (see map): 7:30 pm (local / West Australian Time) on the fourth Monday of the month (except December). People arrive from 7 p.m. for a chat and coffee.  We also have activity days, usually on the 1st Saturday of each month (except January), and on 3rd Saturday of each month - 12 noon (local time), till about 4:30 pm.

Updates appear on our FaceBook page, and usually mirrored here:

  • Next monthly meeting: Monday 22nd July 2024, 7 pm for a 7:30 start - at Operators Cottage Wireless Hill, Ardross.
  • Next group activity day: Saturday 3rd August 2024, from noon - at Operators Cottage Wireless Hill, Ardross.
    ... then 17th August.
  • AGM scheduled for 23rd September: members must be life-members or financial to stand for office or to vote.

Subscription Renewals:

Payment ($35) can be made to WA VHF Group: 126-541 23444951 - put Callsign in message text.

To contact West Australian VHF Group, please contact one of the current committee:
(for phone contact within Australia, change the +61 with 0 in the phone numbers below)

WA VHF Group maintains radio beacons. See our Beacon page.

Recent updates (March 2024):

  1. This website, is being decommissioned. The new website for the WA VHF Group is at
  2. WA VHF Group has rationalised its support for beacons. Outside Perth and Kalgoorlie we no longer have the ability or funding to maintain beacons at a level required by licencing rules. From March 2024, the club will only operate:
    • VK6RPH (Wireless Hill: 50.46 MHz; 144.46 MHz; 432.46 MHz; 1.29646 GHz; 10.36846 GHz)
    • VK6RSP (Wireless Hill: 2.40346 GHz; 3.39846 GHz; 5.76046 GHz; 10.36846 GHz; 24.04846 GHz)
    • VK6RTU (Kalgoorlie: 50.468 MHz; 144.572 MHz; 432.572 MHz)
  3. We have surrendered the following beacons:
    • VK6RBS (Dunsborough)
    • VK6RSW (Augusta)
    • VK6RST (Mt Barker), and
    • VK6RSX (Dampier).
  4. We operate an email announcement and discussion list: email (this replaces the [Announce] and [Discussion] groups that used to operate from the server for this website.
  • 4 x ZLPLLs
    VK6RPH Re-build - See Projects
  • Monthly Meeting with Visitor Murray, ZL3MN
  • 2018 John Moyle Field Day
    2018 John Moyle Field Day, see Gallery
  • Sun Spot Cycle
    Sun spot cycle as part of radio propagation. See Propagation.
  • 10 GHz transverter station setup
    2017 A talk by Leigh, VK6WA on the upgrade to the groups 10GHz transverter.
  • WA VHF Group 2017 John Moyle Field Day
    2017 March WA VHF Group John Moyle Field Day at Piney Lakes Reserve,Winthrop.
  • Wallys Talk Oct 2015
    10 GHz operating with Wally, VK6KZ, the unit had several modules in 10/5.7/2.4 GHz. Talk in Oct 2015. See the Gallery.
  • VK6RSW Dampier 6m and 2m beacon
    VK6RSW Dampier 6m and 2m beacons. See Beacons.
  • WA VHF Group Beacon Map 2012
    WA VHF Group maintain a number of beacons in WA, from Dampier to Mt Barker. See Beacons.
  • WA VHF Group 1955
    1955: The founding year of the formation of West Australia VHF Group. See About Us.