
Below are links to past newsletters, The Official Bulleton of the WA VHF Group.

Thanks goes out to all past and current editors.

Title Content Table File
2014 April Part 1

Editors input.

Across the Presidents Desk

HB9CV 2 element directional Aerial

Micro’s for the Amateur Radio enthusiast

Local update

PSK31 possible Beacon addition

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PDF icon MHz to GHz MAGAZINE - 1 April 2014-2.pdf
2014 April Part 2

Rucksack portable antenna – Leigh VK6WA

PDF icon MHz to GHz MAGAZINE-2 April 2014-2.pdf
2013 November Part 1

Editors input. News FLASH - Visit of REX VK7MO.

Across the Presidents Desk

November general meeting with Rex VK7MO (See attached PART 2 report by Wally VK6KZ)

Derek VK6DZ Microwave DX Hunter

Technical set up of Rex VK7MO portable rig

23cm experiment from Rottnest Island

Aerials for the 23cm band.

Meeting Room for the 2014

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PDF icon Mhz to Ghz MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2013 PART - 1.pdf
2013 November Part 2

Talk and Demostration of 10 GHz EME by Rex Moncur VK7MO

Observations by Wally Howse VK6KZ

PDF icon Mhz to Ghz Mgazine 2013 part 2 VK7MO EME demonstration.pdf
2013 August

Editors input.

Across the Presidents Desk.

Loop fed array for 6 & 2m.

Pioneers of Radio in West Australia.

Cross band Repeater on 1.2GHz.

Subs due and AGM.

PDF icon Mhz to Ghz MAGAZINE AUGUST 2013.pdf
2013 April

Editors input

Across the Presidents Desk.

Wubin Wheat Bin Museum & 6DL transmitter.

Checking Frequency Calibration of a Transceiver.

PDF icon VHF Bulletin APRIL 2013.pdf
2012 November

Editors Input

Wireless Hill Centennial Celebration

Across the Presidents desk

Web Sites to check out

USB dongle SDR software,NE602 converter, EME-EMR,

23cm out look---23cm transverter, mini wattmeter to 2.5GHz

Historical corner ---LEDs & 555 timer.


PDF icon VHF Bulletin November 2012.pdf
2012 August

Across the Editors Desk

VHF of Yester Year

Presidents Ponderings

Members Practical Efforts:

Dummy Loads for VHF-SHF Operation

Field Strength Meters Revisited

Beacon Update

Wireless Hill Centennial 1912 -2012

Microwave Corner

PDF icon VHF Bulletin August 2012.pdf
2012 April

Across the Editors Desk

Members Memoriam

From the Presidents Desk

Amateur Radio Microwave Projects

Audible Field Strength Meters/VHF Group Activity

Old TV Aerials for Amatuer Use

PDF icon VHF Bulletin April 2012.pdf
2011 November

Comments from the editor.

Miniature gps

Check the website of VK4ADC

Digital Delights

Spring Scramble

Stop Press

PDF icon VHF Bulletin November 2011.pdf
