
Below are links to past newsletters, The Official Bulleton of the WA VHF Group.

Thanks goes out to all past and current editors.

Title Content Table File
1993 July

Legality of Scanners

Bulletin Editor Vacancy Jacques Borthen VK6KDX

PL-259 to 9913 Coax Wayne Strahl

How to get the Most out of Six Metres Lionel Curling VK3NM

Printed Circuit Artwork Richard Burden VK6FKB

Satellite Television Parts For Sale

PDF icon July 1993.pdf
1993 July

Construction Techniques for UHF and Above David Minchin VK5KK (Part 3 of 3)

PDF icon July 1993.pdf
1993 May

Group Dinner

Monthly Meetings

Satellite Frequencies

Hints for VHF/UHF Portable Operation Walter Howse VK6KZ

AM/FM Fax Decoder VK6JAZ

PDF icon May 1993.pdf
1993 March

Meeting Program

Crystal Bank

New Western Australian 10 GHz Record Walter Howse VK6KZ

John Moyle Field Day

Call for Articles

Connector Article

PDF icon March 1993.pdf
1993 January

Plastics Supplier

VHF Openings

10 Gig Happenings

Appeal for Articles

2 Metre Opening

PDF icon January 1993.pdf
1992 November

Orbital Elements

Ron (Flash) Mould VK6FM

Orbital Elements

For Sale

Antenna Designs

VK5 Kits

PDF icon November 1992.pdf
1992 September

Beacon Project Acknowledgements

A Word from the President Bob Blinco VK6KRC

Catalogue (E.S.C.)

Weather Satellites

PDF icon September 1992.pdf
1992 July

Satfax Demodulator Jacques Borthen VK6KDX XXX "Not to be reproduced without permission"

Orbital Elements

MMICs Jacques Borthen VK6KDX

Recession Hits VHF Group Newsletter


PDF icon July 1992.pdf
1992 May

70 Centimetre Colinear Hauke Wunderlich VK6YBQ

Making Brackets Jacques Borthen VK6KDX

Grounds on Microwave Substrates

Book Review, The ARRL UHF/Microwave Experimenter's Manual

6 Mitre Capers

PDF icon May 1992.pdf
1992 March

Fun on the Microsats Bruce Douglas

For Sale

Editors Notes Jack Borthen VK6KDX

Ten Gigs FM Barry Grey VK6ZSB

Six Metre Capers


Intelsat Press Release

Orbital Elements

PDF icon March 1992.pdf
