The Wire: A History of Morse Code

Wireless Hill Museum in Ardross has an exhibition open currently related directing with the history of Radio in Western Australia. The Morsecodian Fraternity of WA has partnered with the Museum. Inside there is a version of the Marconi SpackpGap transmitter from early 1900's and several displays of vintage morse code keys. There is more, but I'm not telling, go find out yourself. Outside are those picnic tables.

If you have sat at one of the picnic tables surrounding the Museum for a barbeque lunch, you may have noticed there are indents down the spine of the table. They are the familar 'dits' and 'dahs' of morse code. Each table has a different message that has some connection to the history of Wireless Hill or radio. There is a worksheet at the frontdesk to help anyone who would like to have a go at decoding the messages. Something the kids can try out.

The exhibit is open until 2nd July 2017. Follow this link to the Melville City Council website for more details and there is a good exhibition booklet in pdf downloadable format for more information.